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Aventior’s poster presentation gets published in the ICNS 2022

By November 29, 2022October 11th, 2023No Comments

The COVID-19 pandemic requires the delivery of globally effective vaccines, which have been greatly slowed by the current method of training researchers and scientists to make them. This requires a more equitable distribution of resources, which is why it is important to continue working on this issue.

A number of challenges are involved in creating a super-stable mRNA molecular vaccine. Unlike conventional vaccines such as those for polio, cholera, and flu, which can be packaged in disposable syringes and distributed globally under refrigeration, mRNA vaccines cannot follow the same method.

Study has found that RNA vaccines degrade quickly in dynamic geographical and climatic conditions, likely due to their molecular composition. Serious exposure to extreme environments can result in an ineffective mRNA vaccine. To address this issue, mRNA vaccines are stored in refrigerated conditions, limiting their global reach. This strategy is inefficient and unfair, and only molecularly stabilizing the mRNA molecules in diverse environmental conditions can help solve the challenge.

We have developed AI models and design principles to help us understand mRNA degradation. Our model predicts how likely it is that each RNA base will degrade over time. The COVID-19 vaccines based on messenger RNA (mRNA) are emerging as a promising treatment, thus aiding researchers and scientists in designing and developing a more stable mRNA vaccine in the time ahead.

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