Transforming Businesses with AI and Computer Vision Solutions

Get relevant and quick insights from data, images, and videos

Computer vision and image recognition are major accelerators for data to decision, and business efficiency. We deliver this by extrapolating and processing high-dimensional data, digital images, and videos to provide insights in real-time.

Analytics Solutions

Using our expertise in bridging the gap between virtual and actual, we design deep learning models for faster training of contextual visual data. With this expertise in deep learning for computer vision, we develop optimized digital image & video processing solutions with data labeling, automated testing, and analysis.

From Algorithms To Real-world Computer Vision Applications

Training models and integrating computer vision to identify specific places, people, objects, etc and categorize them to retrieve valuable information.

Digitization of Paper Documents

Extraction of data from documents based on user-defined rules for bulk extraction including the complex and diverse set of documents/PDFs not following any rules

Label Extraction in Digital Pathology

A platform efficiently processing radiology and pathology digital images. It extracts information from the labels on pathology slides, converting them into a structured format.

Search and Rescue using Drone Imagery

Drone Imagery helps real-time detection of human beings and image classification from drone images and videos. Emergency response teams and rescue services use it.

Object Detection and categorization in Aerial and Satellite Images

Computer vision solutions applied to satellite imagery to classify vehicles, buildings, ships, and airplanes for geospatial intelligence, urban & logistics monitoring, and smart city applications.

Urban Super Resolution

A solution for Urban Super Resolution Reconstruction of satellite ages captured over urban landscape. The solution converts low resolution satellite images to a higher resolution. This aids better multi-class object detection, segmentation and classification of images.

Power line detection

An application that is used to detect power lines, related electrical discharge, anomalies or sparks across power transmission lines inspected with drones.

Radiology Image Analysis

Extraction of text from digital images, converting them into a standard database. The system utilizes a combination of OCR, text analysis and image processing, leveraged for documented data to be digitized.

Our AI-backed Data Automation Offerings

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